-The Election of 1860
-Missouri's Reaction to the Sectional Crisis
-The State Convention of March 1861
-The Outbreak of Civil War
-The Camp Jackson Affair
-Preparation for War
-The Flight of Governor Jackson
-The Establishment of the Provisional Government
-The Confederates Help Governor Jackson
-Wilson's Creek and Lexington
-Missouri Joins the Confederacy
-The Missouri State Militia
-Martial Law in Missouri
-Guerilla Warfare
-Order Number Eleven
-The Emancipation Issue
-The Western Sanitary Commission
-The Radical Union Party
-The Centralia Massacre
-Price's Raid
-The Election of 1864
As a border state, Missouri was a state divided. The 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln caused a large amount of division in the state. Governor Jackson with his pro-Confederate leanings and his supporters established Camp Jackson in St. Louis and was supplied with weapons from Baton Rouge. Union general Nathaniel Lyon cleared the dissenters out of St. Louis but not before twenty-eight people were killed. This lit the fuse for the war in Missouri, and the violence would last for many years to come. The state would have two governors, the Confederate governor Jackson, and the Union governor Gamble. Missouri was the site of the second most engagements in the Civil War, battles at places such as Wilson's Creek, Lexington, and Pilot Knob would have important strategic significance. Many people remember Missouri for its brutal guerilla warfare. "Bloody Bill" Anderson and Bill Quantrill are remembered as more prominent leaders of these guerillas and raiders. This is the aspect of war in Missouri I find most interesting. Through genealogical research in the last five years or so I have been able to that I am related to several members of Mosby's famed raiders in Virginia and also to Champ Ferguson, a Confederate raider in Kentucky and Tennessee who claimed to have personally killed over 100 Union soldiers and Union sympathizers. So I find this aspect of the Civil War in Missouri very interesting. Below, I've included pictures of Champ Ferguson, along with one of my relatives who served with Mosby. (Mosby is in the center with the plumed hat, my ancestor is two individuals directly right of him sitting with his arms draped over the raider in the front row who we believe is his brother.) Also I've thrown in pictures of Bloody Bill Anderson and William Quantrill.
Champ Ferguson
Mosby's Raiders
"Bloody Bill" Anderson and William Quantrill (2nd)
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